Every once in a while I feel like putting together an extra-long story. It’s fun to do, and for people who like long storylines, it’s fun to read. But there are some people – and you know who you are – who have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to comic strips. Some people like a quick, self contained joke, and even if every strip in a long series has its own self-contained punchline, if there’s even a hint that it’s part of an ongoing storyline, some people get itchy, they get a nagging urge to pull their hair out at the root, and they feel like a little kid is holding his finger a centimeter from their ears saying “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you…” I’m a Babylon 5 fan. I’m a Farscape fan. I love long, ongoing stories. I don’t get you people at all, but I do grudgingly acknowledge your existence.
Today, I counted the responses to the vampire story arc and – using my way-too-rusty math skills – about .05% of you fit the above description. I never shorten my stories for the sake of the impatient, but the last thing I want to do is piss you off. So if you just can’t take it, you’d be better off waiting a week or two ’til it’s over. Then come back and read through the whole thing in one sitting, as if it’s a comic book. It won’t feel excruciating to you, and I guarantee you’ll enjoy it more.
For the 99.95% of you who tell me you can’t wait to see where this is going, read on…